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For how long? Mr President

President Mugabe of Zimbabwe is clinging on to power, as if, his rule will last forever. What he and his cronies are forgetting is that no earthly kingdom or nation lasts forever. History informs us that there was once great nations, Egypt, Perisa, Greek, Roman and the list is endless, but they have all disappeared. In Africa we had leaders who wanted to rule forever, Mabuto - Zaire, now DRC, Kaunda - Zambia, Banda - Malawi, and many other rulers of Africa and other parts of the world, they have all gone, if not erased from memory. Why is this the case? It is because these earthly kingdoms or nations are built on love of self. This is what the government of Mugabe is. Quoting one of the greatest African Theologian, Augustine in one of his greatest works, The City of God , he says, "there are two [nations] each built on love as a foundation. The nation of God is built on the love of God. The earthly nations is built on the love of self, only the nation of God will remain". Th...

Remembering those days

I am just wondering about music. Music comes and goes. Each generation has its own genre of music that may affect them many years to come. I belong to the generation that listened to what is now called oldies and classic music. We used to go and have a good time dancing to disco music. Sometimes, personnally I tended to have a variety of music genre like reggae, slow jams and a bit of jazz. Later I moved onto rumba, which we danced to, through out the evening. But disco music has stuck with me, especially when I day dream of how we used to gather around a cassette player and listen to latest songs. If we went for disco, usually in the evening, we would also hear the latest songs and some old ones, we knew. We also came to learn about the latest disco moves and styles of dancing. This brand of music went along with a certain way of dressing code or style. This included wearing buggy trousers with a winged color shirt, and a nice shoe we comonly called schooner or the slip on type of sh...

I wonder

It has come to the attention of the Eye Witness said ... that most of the black people have been excited over the election of the United State of America president Barack Obama. And most of the African descent feel that now they are part of the mighty USA. But wait a minute? Isn't Barack a coloured? I was reminded about this posibility when one morning I was listening to SAFM, one of the SABC radio station after ther election Mr Obama, when one caller reminded every one that, Africans (blacks) are excited over Obama, forgetting that he is actually coloured. I really wonder. The Eye Witness Said ...

Big Feast For Zuma

According to The Eye Witness Said ... it has been revealed that the new South African President is scheduled for a very very big party at his home town in Inkhandla. According to the eye witness, 25 or more cow will be slaughtered. It has come to the attention of the Eye Witness said ... that apprently there are more people living in poverty in this area, where Zuma wants to have a party, than any other place. Imagine the agony of the poor people. The Eye Witness Said ...

The Eye Witness Said ...

Hi there again, Waal! did you know that " Management is the process of planning, implementing and evaluating the efforts of a group of people working towards a common goal " Don't blame The Eye Witness Said ... did not tell you.