It has been some time since I activitly wrote on anything on this blogg. However, the world is moving on. and many events has since happened. Some of us have read and watched history unfolding, others never gave it much throught. The latest of the world events has taken place on the African continent in Egypt. Mubarack has finally stepped aside to enable democracy to prevail. This was after 18 days of serious protest by the Egyptian people that he conceded. There are many lesson that are coming from Egypt's Revolution. No government is permnent. Any earthly government sooner or later will pass away. Who thought that Hosni Mubarack could give up his power, I guess, we never thought it could happen now, but it has haapen. This is a big lessons to all dictators and authoritarian leaders, like Mugabe and others, to realise and vanquish their power sooner that later. when that time comes, they will be so humiliated by the events that will unfold and unsettle them. Be wise and give up ...
This blog is about making money online and affiliate marketing. What will be posted here are articles that will look at various affiliate products and programs. Further, this blog is about making money online. The information shared will lead the reader to make money online. Most of the links that will be appended here are affiliate links and I will get a kickback if you chose to purchase products or register..